Friday, April 9, 2010


Why does a book always end!? :(


  1. So that the author can write another one for amazing people like you :)
    Nice question by the way :)

  2. so that sweet ally may proceed towards other one with new experience embedded.
    and thanks a ton 4 lovely comment dear hope u like the new post also

  3. Aw :( Read another one :)

    lol @ duckling :D

  4. which one ended??? when good books end I also feel this way

  5. 'cuz if it dragged on it'd be like those never-endin' serials and then everyone would make fun of it... for eg. CID :P

  6. Nothing lasts forever Ally.
    What book were you reading?

  7. Remya: Yes, you are right dear :)

    Nitwit: Yes you are true dear, but sometimes its hard to forget a book you truly loved. =) sure, i will check out your latest post.

    Abdullah: Yeah I guess so =D

    Raindrops: Sure, I will read another, but this one was once in a lifetime experience =)

    Lizzie and Smiley: Welcome lizzie and thanks for being my new follower. I was reading "A farewell to France" by Noel Barber. Great book, though not very popular.

    Shaiz: Well said, sir! Well said =D

  8. that you can stumble upon a new book to fall in love with :)
